Funding meaningful projects
across the Ethereum ecosystem


BG grants are one of the ways BuidlGuidl funds development and contributes to the Ethereum ecosystem. Did you just finish SRE or complete one of our batches? This could be the next step in your BuidlGuidl journey.

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Active grants

Ecosystem impact grants

Jessy's Hacker House

Jessy's Hacker House

Jessy is helping the BuidlGuidl find high-impact up-and-coming devs. Our goal is to fund developers on the edge and help them remain free agents to have the most open source impact.

Amount: 73.42 ETH
Solidity By Example

Solidity By Example

Solidity-by-example is the best solidity resource out there. It stays up-to-date and Taz is always adding new examples.

Amount: 13.00 ETH


W1nt3r created and many other engaging onchain apps. He is a model app builder on Ethereum.

Amount: 13.00 ETH


Ether Deck Mk2: A reasonably optimized, extensible smart account.

Amount: 2.26 ETH


Circomkit is a Circom circuit development & testing toolkit. It provides a simple CLI that abstracts away pathing & setups for SnarkJS commands...

Amount: 2.26 ETH


FindAudit is a public good platform that allows protocols to connect with over 100 auditors/audit firms in less than 48 hours.

Amount: 2.26 ETH


Community Grants


Are you a BG member eager to make an impact in the ecosystem? At BuidlGuidl, we're excited to support your builds. We offer sponsorships starting at 0.15 ETH for projects that drive the community forward.

Do you qualify?

🔎 Connect your wallet to verify eligibility.

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Individuals from BuidlGuidl who want to build a project that contributes to the Ethereum ecosystem.

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50% upfront when your application is approved and 50% at project completion.

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Fill out your application, get approved from the BG Grants team, and submit the project once completed.

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Starting at 0.15 ETH

Completed grants

ETH Icon0.5 ETH

Workshop and mentorship at ETH Samba

By incorporating easy-to-understand tutorials on linking smart contracts to front-ends, the workshop directly addresses a significant pain point for developers to create quick projects to the ETH Samba hackathon. Round trip Bogotá - Rio de Janeiro: $800 USD Airbnb (6 Nights): $600 USD Expenses: $300 USD Stickers: $100 USD Total: $1,800 USD

ETH Icon0.25 ETH
6/6/2024 | Onchain base vote

A zk-based meme voting website, for voting on hot topics with absolute privacy.

ETH Icon0.25 ETH

SpeedRun Particle Auth: Hands-On Web3 Authentication

This final project from BG Batch 4 initiates the SpeedRun Particle Network platform with 'Challenge 1: Particle Auth,' an interactive tutorial teaching developers to integrate social logins and manage wallet creation in Web3 applications. Participants will learn to integrate Particle Auth with Scaffold ETH, covering authentication flows, wallet setup, and management. It's the beginning of a series exploring further Particle Network services, aiming to enhance developers' skills in decentralized identity management and Web3 interaction. The ultimate goal is to deepen practical Web3 knowledge, inspired by the success of SpeedRun Ethereum, paving the way for continued development within the BuidlGuidl community.

ETH Icon0.25 ETH

BitTip: Crypto Platform for Direct Creator Support

A crypto alternative for BuyMeCoffee. The idea is to have a web page with creator's QR codes in one place. Somewhat like Users connect their wallet to our app and click "Tip" the creator. Why would anyone use it when anyone send ETH directly to addresses written in plain text? For the same reason that BuyMeCoffee or Ko-Fi exists - user experience. A lot of plain text doesn't look good, but a creator's web page is much better. Creators can customize their profiles to make it more visually appealing. Users can either directly send crypto to someones QR or tap a button. If they do tap the "Tip" button then the contract takes a small fee of the transaction. I have a smart contract for that, can be improved of course: There is a starting discussion in Batch4 telegram group. There are few questions that should be considered: 1) Do creators register their wallets on chain or do they just register off chain and we pass their wallet as a parameter to the smart contract? 2) Ideally it should support other cryptocurrencies, but that falls out of MVP scope, in my opinion Thank you for considering my proposal. Let me know what you think) Cheers, Paul

ETH Icon0.25 ETH

Learn Chalink!

Learn Chainlink! is being built as a final project of batch 4, designed to teach Chainlink functionalities through a hands-on tutorial. Inspired by Speed Run Ethereum, the project introduces Challenge #0 - Flip The Coin Crypto, where users build a game to predict Ethereum's price movements using Chainlink Functions. This educational initiative combines tutorial checkpoints and game development, enhancing learning about smart contracts and blockchain technology. For more details, please visit:

ETH Icon0.25 ETH

Lets create a story

Hey 👋 The idea is to create a collaborative storytelling experience. It could be used for events, children or community building. Each user submits inspiration (string, keywords, etc) via a smart contract and the front end will listen to the event submitted where the users addition and the combined “inspirations” and will use an LLM to write a story and generate one or more images suitable. The idea for now is to save the generated story and media offchain. But looking at the event history we can see how the story evolves over time and give the user a way to look at previous versions of the story. I think this shared story building using the LLM as the orchestrator could be fun, and using a smart contract as the way to gather inspiration creates both something of a version history and a way to interact with credentials. Could use a whitelist perhaps? Would love input and ideas ❤️ /perstarkse batch#4 builder

ETH Icon0.25 ETH

Skill verification system

A lot of people claim to have a skills that they add to their resumes / profiles etc. Goal is to have a platform that allows verifiers ( peers) that verify each others skills that they post. Higher verifications get shown in the profile of the user. For example -- say I post that i can work on solidity. I will put proof of work that others can verify. I will also put the rating of the skill that i rank myself -- say 8/10. Others will verify and give their ratings. The goal is to also have the user mint a NFT of all the skills that they have and also showcasing how many people support/verify that.Lastly with all the users skill the user can mint an NFT that can be kept updating as the user adds skills and gets more verifications

ETH Icon0.25 ETH

Image Generation App

Image Generation App In the app, users will have points that will be tracked using blockchain technology. These points can be purchased with ETH. Users can then use these points to generate images. I am planning to connect to the DALL-E API, which will assist in generating the images. [EXTRA] there will be an option for users to view images generated by other users, provided they choose to share them.

WIP grants

Airline System0.15 ETH4 days ago
Insurance policy0.15 ETH4 days ago
CryptoSubScribe0.15 ETH4 days ago
Scaffold Chat0.15 ETH4 weeks ago
SE-2 decentralized hosting0.15 ETH4 weeks ago
Video-Game Competitive Rank NFT's0.15 ETH4 weeks ago
Feedback Forge - Decentralized Feedback Platform0.15 ETH4 weeks ago
Dynamic NFT based on Weather API0.25 ETH2 months ago
A decentralized token metadata provider0.25 ETH2 months ago
Mafia Card Game0.25 ETH2 months ago
Xplorer0.25 ETH2 months ago
Scaffold-NFT0.25 ETH3 months ago
jekyll-frames0.25 ETH3 months ago
A twitter-like app where data lives on-chain0.25 ETH3 months ago
Light0.5 ETH3 months ago